RockVets Newsletter
August  2024
Volume XVI  Issue 8

   Website:                    Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988, then Press 1
Burn Pits - Editorial by Jerry Donnellan
February, 2017

You know -- I would have thought today’s troops could have found their own poison, and not have to borrow one from our war in Vietnam.

You remember Agent Orange. Our friends at the Pentagon told us dumb vets it was just a weed killer when they first started spraying it in ‘Nam in ’61 or ’62. After testing it here in the States on military bases or on railroad tracks and high tension wires - ever wonder why nothing grew under the high tension wires?

A number of years ago, people who lived near these clearings began developing cancer. They looked up at the wire and talked about electromagnetic fields, when perhaps they should have been looking under their feet. That stuff has a half-life of 7 years.

Veterans of my war began developing illnesses that were unexplained. The VA coined the term, “Vietnam Syndrome.” They did this to explain this hodgepodge of illnesses and cancers. They even commissioned studies by the Health and Medicine Division, previously known as the Institute of Medicine at the National Academies of Medicine (HMD). This “independent, objective analysis” was to show that Agent Orange wasn’t responsible for these illnesses. The HMD shaped the methodology and data to influence the outcome of the study to be what the VA wanted it to be.

At the time, we didn’t care. We were just happy to have gotten out of ‘Nam in one piece. Some of our fellow Vietnam vets began to do some research and encouraged others more experienced in the field, and found the dioxin in Agent Orange caused cancer. This data was taken to Uncle Sam who didn’t want to hear it. So as a group we felt the only way to get attention was to sue. Since we couldn’t sue Uncle Sam, the decision was made to sue the manufacturers of Agent Orange. Primarily, Dow, Monsanto, and Diamond Shamrock. In the final analysis in 1984, we won 480 million dollars, which if nothing else called Uncle Sam’s bluff, and the VA then had to agree to begin compensating those exposed to Agent Orange. At first only one illness was connected. Over the years, it’s grown.

Veterans began submitting claims to the VA in 1977. Even though the suit was settled in ’84, by 1993, only 486 claims had been settled in the veterans’ favor – that is of 39,419 submitted. God knows how many veterans passed in the interim.

Now a number of diseases and cancers have been rated presumptive by the DVA. In English that means if you had say Diabetes or Prostate Cancer, and you served in Vietnam, the connection was accepted and you would be granted compensation. Understand this took a very long time and a lot of people. Not only the Vietnam veterans, but we also had the backing of the Korean War veterans as well as the WWII veterans.

When I came back from Vietnam in 1969 I was in my early 20’s. Korean War veterans were in their 30’s, and WWII veterans were in their 40’s. That gave us an awful lot of people. An awful lot of votes.

Burn pits. They sound innocent – kind of like a bonfire, when actually most were the size of your backyard. One in Balad was 10 acres and burned 200 tons of garbage a day. What was burned? Everything. Dogs, body parts, chemicals, batteries, fuel, medical waste, vehicle parts, jet fuel. These burn pits were to have been temporary. However, the contractor, Kellogg, Brown, and Root, operated the burn pits as part of their 35 billion dollar logistics contract in Iraq and Afghanistan. They went on burning in open air pits for years, even after Uncle Sam had dispatched cleaner burning incinerators.

Back to the point. In these pits they also burned plastic bottles, styrofoam cups, and styrofoam. Why that’s important is when those things are burned they release, you got it – dioxin. So here we are half a century later exposing our troops to the same thing, exposing them to something we knew would make them sick and could kill them.

When Iraq and Afghan vets began to question this hodgepodge of illnesses that they were coming down with, they commissioned a study in 2011. Two years after the study, HMD – yes the same group that tried to debunk Agent Orange, was back to debunking burn pits. Close to 20 years before they were debunking what had come to be known as Gulf War Syndrome.

At that point, Congress commissioned the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) to conduct an independent study. RAC reviewed the evidence from nearly 2,000 scientific studies and government reports including both human and animal studies. RAC came back to Congress and said the previous studies were “irreparably flawed” and that the illness was “real.”

So, if you served in Iraq or Afghanistan and you were around burn pits, which many of you were probably billeted next to and exposed 24/7, if your lungs are doing their job they serve as a filter for the smoke and ash that was being taken in. Ever look at the back of an air conditioner? Kind of like that.

So, you were exposed in all likelihood to dioxin. I’m not trying to scare you, but understand I am still filing claims for my buddies from Vietnam whose exposure was nearly half a century ago. Please understand another thing. That is, Vietnam vets are on average 70 years old. So, in the not too distant future we’ll be gone – and the number of vets and votes will dwindle.

So, learn from us. If you feel you have symptoms, file a claim ASAP! I can help you get started.

To file a claim, you can contact the veterans counselors Rockland County Veterans Service Agency, 20 Squadron Blvd., Suite 480, New City, New York 10956 (845-638-5244).  Call for an appointment or email:
VA Launches Updated Burn-Pit Registry


VA launches updated Burn Pit Registry, paving way for improved research into health of Veterans exposed to toxins and other hazards while serving
08/01/2024 10:00 AM EDT

WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced the launch of the redesigned Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (Burn Pit Research Registry). The Burn Pit Registry is a database that combines Veteran and service member data to help VA better understand, research, and ultimately improve treatment for the health challenges facing Veterans exposed to airborne hazards and burn pits during their military service. Addressing the health issues associated with military related toxic exposure is a priority for VA and the entire the Biden-Harris Administration, and this announcement marks an important milestone in that effort.
The registry is an important research tool that enables VA to identify and study health challenges spanning the Veteran and service member population as a whole — providing Veterans and service members an opportunity to help improve the care and benefits of Veterans and service members in generations to come. The registry will now include more than 4.7 million Veterans and service members who meet participation criteria based on Department of Defense records.
Importantly, participating in or opting out of the registry does not impact nor determine eligibility for Veterans’ individual VA health care or benefits. Those who do not wish to participate in the Registry can opt out by completing this online form.
“The Burn Pit Registry is fueling groundbreaking research and enabling VA’s ability to identify and proactively address health challenges that toxic-exposed Veterans face at a population level,” said Under Secretary for Health Shereef Elnahal, M.D.“While the registry does not impact an individual Veteran’s health care or benefits, it does serve as a catalyst for advancing new and innovative treatments for the Veteran population as a whole — including informing decisions related to presumptive conditions, more precise predictive medicine, and proactive Veteran care. This redesign massively expands the registry and reduces the participation requirements for Veterans, paving the way for critical research in the coming years.”
“This tool is a significant improvement in making data available in a way that better serves all those who were exposed to burn pits and other hazards,” said Department of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Lester Martinez-Lopez, M.D. “Being part of the Registry is a way for individuals to help and improve our understanding of the challenges faced by service members and Veterans affected by these exposures.”
While this research database does not impact individual care and benefits, there are many avenues for Veterans to reach VA for the services they deserve. We encourage Veterans seeking screening, health care, or benefits for toxic exposures to visit or call 1-800-MYVA411.
This redesigned version of the registry incorporates extensive Veteran feedback, expands participation criteria, automatically includes participants in the registry, and simplifies participation requirements.
Veterans and service members (living or deceased) who, according to DOD records, served in the military campaigns or theater of operations listed below during the designated time frame will be automatically included:
  • Operations and Campaigns: Desert Shield and Desert Storm; Iraqi Freedom; Enduring Freedom; and New Dawn.
  • Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Djibouti, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, waters of the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Red Sea, Syria, Uzbekistan, and Egypt between Aug. 2, 1990, and Aug. 31, 2021.
  • Somalia since Aug. 2, 1990.
  • The Southwest Asia theater of military operations and Egypt any time after Aug. 2, 1990
  • Afghanistan, Djibouti, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Uzbekistan, or Yemen any time after Sept. 11, 2001.
  • Associated airspaces with the countries listed above as well as the waters of the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, and the Red Sea.
This list is in addition to those who were based or stationed at a location on or after Sept. 11, 2001, where an open burn pit was used in Afghanistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Egypt, or Syria.
The data included in the registry includes deployment locations, military personnel information, and demographics to include gender, race, and ethnicity. No medical information will be stored in the registry. Veteran and service member data will be accessible only to select VA epidemiologists and researchers and institutional review board-approved researchers. It will be used to conduct research on the cohort over a period of time. The results will inform the policy decision-making efforts of VA executive leaders, including those related to presumptive conditions.
To learn more, visit

Upcoming Events
Monday, August 5th, 2024:  Join us for the next edition of SGTs Time. These monthly virtual presentations are open to all eras of Veterans, genders, and caregivers.  Come to learn and ask questions!  Monday August 5th @ Noon.  We will be speaking about “Best of the Rest: Little Known Benefits for Veterans and Caregivers” Learn about:
  • Little known Federal, State, and Local Benefits
  • Various Non-Profit and Veteran Service Organization Programs
  • How to ‘Be in the Know’ when New Benefit Programs Roll Out

Sergeant’s Time
August 5th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm, virtually via Webex
“Best of the Rest: Little Known Benefits for Veterans and Caregivers”
If the above link won’t work on your browser try to cut and paste the full URL below:
Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to hosting interested Veterans and their family members/caregivers.
Marco A. Bongioanni, MSEd.   Readjustment Counseling Therapist  - U.S. Army Veteran
Bronx Vet Center  2471 Morris Ave - Suite 1A   Bronx, NY 10468
office (718) 367-3500. fax (718) 364-6867

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024:  The New York State Bridge Authority is hosting a breakfast for Purple Heart recipients on Purple Heart Day – Wednesday, August 7th at 10 a.m. This will take place at the Purple Heart Veterans Memorial Bear Mountain Bridge, which is celebrating its centennial this year and received this special ceremonial designation in 2018.

We seek your assistance in getting the work out to local Purple Heart recipients about this event. Please see the attached invitation. Also, please forward to your organizations and lists to reach people who may not be on this distribution list. Your help is greatly appreciated.

The event will be held on the west side of the Bear Mountain Bridge, on NYSBA property next to the Administration Building.  We ask that RSVPs come in by August 1st at email: or by calling 845-691-7245.  Respondents should also let us know if they need any special accommodations and we will do our best to serve them.

Friday, August 9th, 2024:  Dear Fellow Veterans and Extended Family,  Join us for our Veteran’s Game Day Social Luncheon on August 9th (Friday) from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Community Center Town of Clarkstown - Auditorium located at 31 Zukor Road, New City, New York 10956. All Veterans and their spouses, Caregivers and Gold Star families are welcome to join us to play games including BINGO and TRIVIA for prizes, socialize and have fun! This event is provided free of charge by the Rockland County Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program (VettoVet). There is plenty of parking available and the auditorium is very large with plenty of room for folks to spread out. Doors open at 10:40 am. BINGO Starts at 11am sharp. RSVP: Required especially for Lunch! There will be a sign-in table where you will pick up a ticket needed for lunch. Please contact Izzy Quintana at email or call cell phone number 845-587-6497 to reserve a seat or if you have further questions.   Stay Safe, Healthy and Kind !
Ismael (Izzy) Quintana, Veteran Outreach Coordinator
Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program / Rockland County (Vet to Vet)
Cell: (845) 587-6497

Virtual Overview of VA Benefits and Services
Tuesdays, August 13, 2924 and August 27th, 2024:  In partnership with Department of Labor, who has oversight of Off-Base Transition Training (OBTT), VA is offering a 45-minute virtual Overview of VA Benefits and Services workshop. This is a comprehensive overview of benefits and services provided by VA.
During this workshop you will learn:
How to access the benefits you've earned
Key benefit considerations
How to connect with VA
  August 13 at 2:00 p.m. ET / August 27 at 2:00 p.m. ET
Join us! Register for our workshop or

Saturday, August 17th, 2024:  Joseph P. Dwyer Veterans and Immediate Family Fun Day Trip to Jones Beach State Park. The preliminary plan is for everyone to meet at the Palisades Center Mall on the morning of August 12th at 8AM. We will travel by coach bus to Jones Beach. Lunch and dinner meals will be provided at selected concessions food stands and restaurants inside the State Park. At this time, arrangements are still being made and more details will follow. This trip will be 100% free for Veterans and their immediate family members. All transportation, lunch and dinner and beverage will be provided by Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program Outdoor RX Grant. If interested in going or for more information get in touch with Marc Carlo, Director of Veteran Peer Services, Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, “Vet to Vet”Email: / (Office) (845) 624-1366 ext 104 / Cell (845) 521-9440

Wednesday, August 21st, 2024: Free Virtual Career & Resource Fair: August 21, 2024
If you are graduating or completing training by March 2025, please consider registering for this free virtual career and resource fair.
Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E) will be hosting a career and resource fair with Hire GI on August 21, 2024, from 11-3:00 pm EST. This event will be offered to all VR&E participants, Active-Duty Service members, transitioning Service members, Veterans, and military spouses. There will be approximately 35 employers and 10 resources at this event.

Monday, August 26th, 2024:   From 9:30 to 10:30 am - "Thank You For Your Service" Radio Live. Marc Carlo, Director of Veteran Peer Services Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, is on the airwaves hosting a radio show on WRCR 1700 AM. The show will air once a month on the 4th Monday at 9:30 a.m. Veterans can call in and ask questions about Veterans issues. The call-in number is: 845-429-1700. Marc will discuss Veteran issues and events in and around Rockland County. Please tune in to the show on 4th Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. on WRCR 1700 AM radio or access the show live on WRCR's website: You can also access previously recorded episodes/podcasts on the following link:  or .
For further information, get in touch with Marc Carlo, Director of Veteran Peer Services, Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, “Vet to Vet” at Email: / (Office) (845) 624-1366 ext 104 / Cell (845) 521-9440.

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024:  Joining Community Forces of Upstate New York Wednesday, August 28 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm.  Attend in person at the American Red Cross – Northeastern New York Chapter (33 Everett Road, Albany NY)
(Please RSVP to  by 8/27 if attending in person for planning purposes) Or attend virtually,
Topic: Joining Community Forces of Upstate New York
Time: August 28, 2024 13:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 661 1223
Passcode: 514186
Dial by your location
• +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)
• +1 646 964 1167 US (US Spanish Line)
Joining Community Forces of Upstate New York is a voluntary military and community cooperative partnership organized to allow service providers the opportunity to engage and network in a common goal of connecting Veterans, Service Members and Families with community resources when needed.
Please reach out to Steven Marchese if you would to be added to the Joining Community Forces of Upstate New York’s distro list.

Saturday, August 31st, 2024:  From Chip Hayes -- Our next monthly trip to the NYS Veteran’s Nursing Home will be on Saturday August 31, 2024.  We will muster (meet) in the lobby at 1230hrs (12:30 P.M. for you civilians).  Thereafter, we will go to the wards and bring the wheelchair patients to Dean Martin Variety Show. After the show we will conduct a snowball fight with the patients.  We need all hand on deck so the patients can get to the shows and help with the snowball fight.  Any youths you can bring to the Nursing Home will receive a letter stating their Community Service.  This is a great way for you to help and entertain disabled Veterans. Without us helping them, many would be unable to attend the show.
Please NOTE: New Police procedures at the facility. Have a VA ID or Drivers license ready when you approach the gate.

September 2024:  The Traveling Vietnam Wall is coming to Dutchess County in September 2024
My understanding is that the Traveling Vietnam Wall will be in Dutchess County at Bowdoin Park in Wappingers Falls, New York, right off Route 9.  The Wall is arriving  on September 17th,  assembly will be on the morning of the 18th.  It will open to the public beginning at noon on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.  It will be here until the 22nd and disassembled on the morning of the 23rd.  They need volunteers to assemble,  disassemble and to be there daily to assist the community in finding their loved one's name on the wall. They are also looking for Veterans to be at the  Wall on Thursday 9/19, and Friday, 9/20 because the schools will be attending and they are looking for escorts for the kids who can provide information and answer questions.  More information to follow as I get it.
Chester B. Edwards
Chairman Westchester Veterans Alliance, Inc.
COL, Ret. (NY State Guard), ENFN US Navy Combat Veteran (Vietnam)Member, NYS Veterans Hall of Fame (2023)914-260-2122 cell, 914-937-4443 home,

Marc Carlo Appointed as Director of Veteran Services
We're extending a warm welcome to the new Director of Veteran Services for the Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program / Rockland Vet-to-Vet -- Marc Carlo.  You can visit Marc at the Dwyer Vet-to-Vet office at the Palisades Mall / 2290 Palisades Center Dr, West Nyack, New York 10994 or call him at:  845-624-1366 EXT. 104.

Here is a short bio from Marc:  Born and raised in Hell's Kitchen New York, I spent most days playing outside or at the local PAL center. Raised by a single mother and seeing her struggle pushed me to grow up fast and try to help in whatever ways I could.  After 9/11, I took that want to help, and turned it into a passion for service.  In 2006 I joined the Marine Corps and would spend the next 10 years of my life doing all I could to help. Unfortunately, my career would be cut short due to injuries received  during both combat deployments, last one being in 2013 to Afghanistan. After trying my best to heal and being unable to do so within a 2-year window, I was retired in 2016. After retiring from the Marine Corps I then attended Fordham University, graduating in 2020 during the height of the pandemic with a Bachelors in Political Science.  From there I tried to continue serving by working for Congressman Espaillat in Harlem, New York as a Wounded Warrior Fellow and Veterans Director. After moving to Rockland in October of 2023, I left the Members office and found my way to BRIDGES. Now as the Veteran Director here I hope to continue to serve and help our veterans out as much as possible.    

Also, you can tune in to Marc Carlo's local radio broadcast as noted:
Monday, August 26th, 2024:   From 9:30 to 10:30 am - "Thank You For Your Service" Radio Live. Marc Carlo, Director of Veteran Peer Services Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, is on the airwaves hosting a radio show on WRCR 1700 AM. The show will air once a month on the 4th Monday at 9:30 a.m. Veterans can call in and ask questions about Veterans issues. The call-in number is: 845-429-1700. Marc will discuss Veteran issues and events in and around Rockland County. Please tune in to the show on 4th Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. on WRCR 1700 AM radio or access the show live on WRCR's website:
You can also access previously recorded episodes/podcasts on the following link:  or .
For further information, get in touch with Marc Carlo, Director of Veteran Peer Services, Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, “Vet to Vet” at Email: / (Office) (845) 624-1366 ext 104 / Cell (845) 521-9440.

Marc Carlo
Director of Veteran Services
2290 Palisades Center Dr, West Nyack, NY 10994
(p) 845-624-1366 EXT. 104 - (f) 845-624-1369
Cost-of-Living-Adjustment for 2025 and VA Disability

2025 COLA Adjustment

In this episode of the SITREP, Paul discusses the projected Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) for 2025 and how it will affect VA Disability and Social Security. For additional information and to see which benefits you or your family may qualify, visit the web links below:

To view all our content, visit
   / @vamadesimple   To view or listen to podcasts, visit
   • #theSITREP | Veterans Benefits Made S...   Need an immediate answer or help with a situation regarding VA benefits? Call, 24/7, at 1-800-MyVA411 (698-2411)

Next Warrior Camp - September 8th - 15th, 2024
The next Warrior Camp is September Warrior Camp(R) program: 8-15 SEP TRR Warrior Camp. to register.

TRR’s Warrior Camp® is designed to prevent suicide. With a focus on Military Moral Injury as a core component of Combat Trauma, it supports force preservation and enhances resilience.
Military Moral Injury can be the consequence of having engaged in combat operations, necessary at the time, during which one’s ethics and one’s actions did not align. It is not a disorder. Yet, the spiritual or existential crisis that often arises from this internal conflict pushes many veterans to suicide.

TRR’s Warrior Camp® is committed to embracing our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coasties, reservists and guardsmen without further wounding them. We know that the way in which a trauma survivor is responded to and cared for in the aftermath of the trauma is, at times, more significant to their healing than the original event or events. Trauma rarely happens in isolation. With combat soldiers in particular, trauma happens in the context of a highly disciplined, cohesive, interdependent group. For this reason, healing needs to involve the acceptance of a group, not only of fellow soldiers, but also of civilians who are able to listen without judgment, bear witness, and ultimately shoulder some of the guilt and blame so that the warrior does not need to carry it alone.

The team creates an environment in which the trauma of war can be addressed. This week-long retreat is located in serene and secluded locations that foster the development of a close-knit community within which healing can occur. It includes a healthy balance of trauma therapy, relaxation and leisure activities.

Warrior Camp® is a 7-day residential program that integrates 5 therapy modalities in the context of community. We eat all our meals together and lodge together. Group activities are Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Yoga, Narrative Medicine and Native American Sweat Lodge. EMDR therapy is conducted one to one.

This program is FREE for Combat Veterans of all eras, as well as Active Military and Reserve Components and is designated by Eagala as a Military Service Provider.
TRR does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation or expression, age, national origin, disability or discharge status.
Please pre-register by filling out the form at this link:

After confirming your pre-registration you will be redirected to schedule a telephone screening – click on the Schedule Now button to choose a date and a time. All scheduled appointments are EST.  TRR’s Warrior Camp® programs are open to Active Duty, Guard, Reserves and Combat Veterans of ALL eras without regard to discharge status.
Vietnam Veterans Chapter #333 Monthly Meeting

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter #333 -- monthly meeting is held on the first Thursday of each month, at Kearsing-Edwards American Legion Post #1600, 20 Station Road, Pomona, New York 10970. The Board will meet at their usual time of 6:30 p.m. with full membership meeting to start promptly at 7:30 p.m.  Veterans from all eras are welcome.

VVA 333 will hold their usual monthly meeting on Thursday, September 5th, 2024.  The Chapter welcomes current, former and prospective VVA members to attend.  The meetings are held at the Kearsing-Edwards American Legion Post #1600, 20 Station Road, Pomona, New York starting at 7:30 p.m.  

Topic: John Mastandrea’s Zoom Meeting 
Time: September 5th, 2024  07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)  

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 630 567 5618
Passcode: 980722

One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89202249387#,,,,*513221# US (New York)
+13126266799,,89202249387#,,,,*513221# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 630 567 5618
Passcode: 980722 
Find your local number:

Also check out the VVA #333 website created and maintained by Debby Frank.  Below is a link to lots of great information such as:  V.A. Info, Officers and Past Presidents, Fallen Heroes, Our Members Then, Members in Action, Veteran of The Year, RockVets Newsletters, Watchfires, Pig Roast. Then, under the Column "MORE" on the upper far right side, Momentos at The Wall, Handcycles Program, 529 Educational Program, Merchandise, Jerry Donnellan -- Founder of Chapter 333, Scholarships, Applications, Gene Sullivan Service Award, VVA National Convention, 30th Anniversary of Chapter 333, Street dedication ceremony for one of Rockland's KIAs, James Margro, and so on.   Much thanks to Debby Frank for maintaining the website.  

And for those who have not done so yet, please send a picture of yourself in uniform so Debby can add it to the VVA website.  Send photos to
The VVA #333 website address is:

Joseph P. Dwyer Vet-to-Vet Events and Activities

Vet-to-Vet:   Special Events

Dwyer Vet-to-Vet Events and Activities

MEDITATION - Weekly - (M, W & F) - 9-9:30 am. Class elicits deep relaxation and helps reduce stress and anxiety with experienced Instructor Brett Cotter (Stress is Gone Founder and Author of 3 Keys To Managing PTSD). Online virtual event you can experience via Zoom. Meeting ID 983 8404 0455; Passcode: join or Click here for link:

VETERANS WALKING CLUB - Weekly - (Wednesdays) - 9:30 am at PALISADES CENTER. Meet in front of BRIDGES, 2nd Floor, next door to Autobahn Indoor Speedway. We will walk between 45 minutes to an hour. Join a fast pace group, slow pace group or walk at your own pace for however long you want. The mall offers us a comfortable indoor venue regardless of the weather outdoors where we can gather together in camaraderie and get some fitness and exercise while we get walking!   

GENTLE YOGA - Weekly - (Wednesdays & Fridays) - 7-8 pm & again on (Sundays) 10-11:15 am. Virtual session via Zoom. Yoga is extremely beneficial for your physical and mental health. Instructor Mira Stangl is a 500 hour Yoga-Alliance Certified Teacher With Extensive Training in PTSD and Restorative Yoga. If interested in attending email Then you'll be registered to get invitations to each session.

QIGONG - Weekly - (Thursdays) from 9-10 am. (Ancient Chinese Exercise). Gentle meditative exercises based on the cultivation and refinement of Universal Life Energy known as Qi. Practicing this exercise reduces pain, stress and anxiety, improves physical fitness and improves immune function and vitality. Instructor Norman Galinsky, MFA has over 36 years experience in the art.

If interested in attending or have questions, contact Izzy Quintana at email:

VA Technical Career Field Training Program

VA Technical Career Field Training Program: The Technical Career Field (TCF) training program offers two years of training in positions within specific occupational career shortage fields following the Veterans Health Administration's Succession Workforce Plan. Benefits associated with being in the program include paid salary/benefits, a yearly training/travel stipend, access to a preceptor/mentor, and on-the-job training.

The core curriculum is a career-specific training plan developed by subject matter experts and used as the foundation for every trainee’s technical program learning requirements. Specific developmental needs are assessed and added to create an Individual Development Plan (IDP). The IDP is the trainee’s two-year roadmap for the successful completion of the program. Trainees are coached, mentored, and often supervised by a local preceptor who has been selected through a rigorous application process.

TCF Qualifications
Qualifications for the individual positions will be listed on the USAJobs announcements at each location approved to receive funding to hire a TCF trainee. Depending on the hiring authority used to announce TCF positions, Pathways Programs' recent graduate educational requirements may apply to these positions, including recent qualifying education within the past 2 years/6 years for Veterans with intervening military service.

How To Apply
Job opportunities are posted at various times via from March – September. Locations are contingent upon participating VA medical centers. Review between March and August for job postings and application instructions and search by Keywords (i.e., TCF, Pathways Recent Graduate), Occupation, or Location.
Social Security Newsletter
Social Security Newsletter – August 2024

Happy August!  I hope you’re all enjoying the summer.  It’s certainly been a hot one! This month’s newsletter includes the following

  • Accessing Your Personal My Social Security Account
  • Understanding The Need For A Representative Payee
  • Eligibility For Social Security Spouse’s Benefits
  • Supplemental Security Income For Children With Disabilities
  • Social Security Supports Rural Communities
As the highlighted article reads, Social Security is moving away from legacy accounts, those that were originally created directly on Social Security’s website, and moving towards using our 3rd party identity verification partners, and, for my Social Security access. Here’s a bonus article on the transition process:  How to Transition Your Social Security Account to | SSA
Stay cool!  Thank you,
Vincent J. Scocozza / Social Security Administration / Public Affairs Specialist / New York Region
Faces of Freedom -- Those Who Defend Our Country

Faces of Freedom -- Oral Histories and Portraits of the Men and Women that Defend Our Country

I never served in the military, and I never had to make the sacrifices US military veterans have made. I decided I wanted to do something to show my gratitude to our veterans and I began my project which I call Faces of Freedom.

The project consists of interviews and photographs. I meet with veterans, record their personal history, and take their photo. I print the photo in black and white, frame it and present it to each veteran at no charge. The interview covers each veteran’s life before, during and after their time in the service. Each veteran has the opportunity to make any changes to their bio before it is finalized. I make no money from this project and the photos are free to each veteran.

Currently these photos and bios appear on my website They also appear on my Facebook page and the photos and stories of the WWII veterans have been sent to the National WWII Museum for their archives. There are currently 80 interviews and photos on the website. I hope to make this into an exhibit for universities, high schools, community centers, libraries, etc. to help increase awareness of the 3% of the population who is doing the heavy lifting so the rest of us can enjoy all that this country has to offer.

Every veteran has a story. Some stories are about combat, some are about funny memories, some stories are sad, and some are about things accomplished after their military service.   All are about service to country and making sacrifices.

You have a story and I want to tell it to the rest of the people in the United States. Let’s pick a date and get together to record your history and tell it to our fellow citizens.

Walter Schuppe
Avon, CT
Phone:  (860) 558-1072

Book Proceeds Benefit Disabled Veterans
Please check out Vietnam veteran Roy Tschudy's book, "Endless." Roy is a past President of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #333, and writes about a variety of experiences that our Vietnam vets encountered.  As with all good books, be prepared to experience a lot of emotions with this: you will be intrigued, angry, surprised, maybe shed a tear or two, and laugh out loud at some of the shenanigans in this enjoyable tale of fact, fiction and myth. All proceeds of "Endless" go to help veterans. The book is available in paperback or Kindle edition from Amazon:
"Endless" is the second book authored by Roy Tschudy. His first book also had great reviews.
"Up Close and Personal" is available through Amazon as well.  
Employment Opportunities
Free Virtual Career & Resource Fair: August 21, 2024
If you are graduating or completing training by March 2025, please consider registering for this free virtual career and resource fair.
Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E) will be hosting a career and resource fair with Hire GI on August 21, 2024, from 11-3:00 pm EST. This event will be offered to all VR&E participants, Active-Duty Service members, transitioning Service members, Veterans, and military spouses. There will be approximately 35 employers and 10 resources at this event.

Hiring Veterans:  
Each week, we receive job announcements from employers and employment websites—including RallyPoint, RecruitMilitary, VetJobs and HireMilitary—looking to hire Veterans. This post contains links to job listings for the week of June 24, 2024. Each week, we’ll continue to post relevant and timely listings as we receive them, and for the locations listed.  Check this link for further information:

CHORE helps people maintain the independence of living at home by providing free minor household repairs and home improvements that make living at home safe. CHORE is always looking for volunteers that have experience in minor home repairs/improvements and electric work. Interested volunteers may submit resumes to Sue Cibirka at or call at 624-1366 ex 101.

VA Hudson Valley is hiring and enrolling!  
Our Veterans deserve the best and we need your help to deliver that care for them. Please share with your networks!
Hiring:  We currently have 100+ job vacancies posted on our USAJOBS page, available USAJOBS - Search
These include clinical and non-clinical roles at our campuses in Montrose and Castle Point, as well many of our 7 clinics throughout the Hudson Valley. Applicants can review the great VA benefits we offer, to include, compensation, leave flexibilities, student loan forgiveness, health care benefits and retirement benefits.

Some of the jobs we need filled urgently are:
  • Nurse, including all Specialties – Montrose Campus
  • Medical Support Assistant - Montrose and Castle Point locations
  • AC Mechanic – Castle Point Campus

Always accepting applications for Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurse and Certified Nurse Assistant.   VA wants to hear from you! If you have questions about any of the above positions, please contact or call 503-307-0193.  
For further information, contact Timothy J McGuigan, MS
, HR Senior Consultant, VA Hudson Valley HCS -- (503) 307 0193.

The Department of Civil Service:  The following examination announcements have been updated and added to our public website.  When filing your online application, please be advised that technical assistance is available Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Please be advised that you will need a personal ID to apply for Department of Civil Service examinations. If you do not have a personal ID, please create an account.  Here are some of the employment opportunity examinations coming up -- please view this link for further description of each position:

Continuous Recruitment Examinations
The Department also accepts applications for most continuous recruitment examinations on an ongoing basis, with no application deadline.
  • Continuous Recruitment Examinations -

HELP Program – No Examinations Required
The Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement (HELP) Program temporarily removes the civil service exam requirement for more than 100 direct care, health and human services titles across State agencies for a 12-month period. To be eligible for jobs in the HELP program, candidates must meet the jobs’ minimum qualifications and any other conditions of employment. Candidates should visit the HELP Jobs Portal and use the candidate portal to apply for jobs in the HELP program.  
Check out HELP Jobs Portal here:

Veterans Employment and Training Services (VETS) Resources for Veterans
The Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) is committed to helping America's veterans and separating service members by preparing them for meaningful careers, providing employment resources and expertise, and protecting their employment rights.

FedEx Independent Service Provider
FedEx is looking to hire full time and part time drivers to deliver and pickup packages from Blauvelt, NY. Full time schedule is Monday – Friday and part time schedule has weekend positions available. Must be over 21 years old, have a clean drivers license, and be able to pass physical and drug tests. Background checks are also required. Salary for full time starts at $700 per week. Please contact 201-724-7781 to see if you qualify.

Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction of the Veterans Administration:
The link below lists current positions have been announced for the Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction (OALC). This is not a complete listing of all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) vacancies and may not include all positions announced for OALC. You may access VA recruitment information on the VA Jobs site at this link:
If you wish copies of announcements listed below, please contact the individual identified in the specific announcement.  Here is the link to the OALC Job Listings:

Montefiore-Nyack Hospital, Nyack, New York 10960
See link for full listing and information about career opportunities at Nyack Hospital, Nyack, New York.

Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern, New York.  Good Samaritan Hospital is affiliated with Westchester Medical Center.  See this link for available employment -

Rockland County Employment Information:
Here is a link to current job openings available in Rockland County

Rockland County Veterans' Credits:

New York City Civil Service Jobs, Tests, and Results as listed in The Chief:

MTA Metro-North Railroad has ongoing employment opportunities:
To apply for current jobs with the MTA, please go to the MTA Employment Portal at:

NYC Green Book Online: The Green Book is the official directory of the City of New York.  An indispensable reference guide for anyone living or working in New York City. Includes detailed listings of agencies. Website:
Rockland County Marine Corps League

Rockland County Marine Corps League regularly receives donations of handicap assistance equipment for disabled veterans from people who want to help. The donated equipment is available for free to military veterans and their families. The items include the following:

  • Motorized Wheelchairs
  • Manual Wheelchairs
  • Oxygen Generator
  • Walkers
  • Bath Chairs
  • Transfer Benches
  • Braces
  • Crutches
  • Canes

If you have need of any of this equipment, contact John Leighton of the Rockland County Marine Corps League - 845-521-5361 or via email:
RockVets Monthly E-Newsletter

RockVets is an Outreach program of New York Vets, Inc.,  a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization established in 1992, to advocate for those who have worn the uniform of the U.S. Military, no matter where or when they served.

The volunteers at New York Vets / RockVets publish this monthly e-newsletter.  We welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback. E-mail:

We are not affiliated with any government agency such as the Veterans Administration, Rockland County Government, nor the Veterans Service Agency of Rockland.

Each month, our newsletter reaches more than 1800 local veterans or those who care about veterans' interests.  Please use this forum to let veterans know of any information, resources, links or events they might enjoy. Send information to or send us a note through our website:  Thank you for passing this newsletter along to other veterans or those who care.

Our Mailing Address
New York Vets, Inc. / RockVets
P.O. Box 387
Tomkins Cove, New York 10986                                                           

Pat McGlade
Co-Founder / Director
RockVets Newsletters:


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