RockVets Newsletter
March  2023
Volume XV  Issue 3                                       Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988, then Press 1
Suffern Post Office -- Sergeant Gerald T. 'Jerry' Donnellan

The 23rd of March marks the 5 year anniversary of Jerry's passing. In recognition of Jerry's many accomplishments and efforts for Rockland's veterans, the Suffern Post Office at 15 Chestnut Street in Suffern, New York has been designated as the "Sergeant Gerald T. 'Jerry' Donnellan Post Office."

Legislation introduced in September of 2022 by then-Congressman Mondaire Jones, was passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate and approved on December 27, 2022.  Link to YouTube video of Congressman Mondaire Jones putting forth his support for H.R. 6267 -- Suffern Post Office designation:

Here is the official ACT:
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 15 Chestnut Street in Suffern, New York, as the ``Sergeant Gerald T. `Jerry' Donnellan Post Office''. <>
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,
(a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service
located at 15 Chestnut Street in Suffern, New York, shall be known and
designated as the ``Sergeant Gerald T. `Jerry' Donnellan Post Office''.
(b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document,
paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to
in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Sergeant
Gerald T. `Jerry' Donnellan Post Office''.

Approved December 27, 2022.
Sept. 28, considered and passed House.
Dec. 19, considered and passed Senate.

This is an interview from September, 2016 with Clarkstown Supervisor, George Hoehmann and Jerry Donnellan:

Upcoming Events

Happy St. Patrick's Day to our Veteran Community!  

Photo from last year's St. Patrick's Day Parade in Pearl River, New York -- members of VVA #333.  

Here are some upcoming events:

Thursday, March 2nd, 2022:  Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter #333 -- monthly meeting will be held at Kearsing-Edwards American Legion Post #1600, 20 Station Road, Pomona, New York 10970.  The Board will meet at their usual time of 6:30 p.m. with full membership meeting to start promptly at 7:30 p.m.  If you'd like to attend the meeting remotely:   Join Zoom Meeting -- link

Meeting ID: 630 567 5618 -- Passcode: 980722
One tap mobile:  +16465588656,,6305675618#,,,,*980722# US (New York)
+16469313860,,6305675618#,,,,*980722# US
Dial by your location:  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) -- +1 646 931 3860 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
Meeting ID: 630 567 5618
Passcode: 980722
Find your local number:

Friday, March 3rd, 2023: Dwyer Vet-to-Vet -- Join us for our Veteran’s Game Day Social Luncheon on March 3rd (Friday) from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Community Center Town of Clarkstown - Auditorium located at 31 Zukor Road, New City, New York 10956. All Veterans and their spouses, Caregivers and Gold Star families are welcome to join us to play games including BINGO and TRIVIA for prizes, socialize and have fun! This event is provided free of charge by the Rockland County Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program (VettoVet). There is plenty of parking available and the auditorium is very large with plenty of room for folks to spread out and maintain social distance if they choose to do so.
Doors open at 10:45 am.
RSVP: Required especially for Lunch!  There will be a sign-in table where you will pick up a ticket needed for lunch. Please contact Izzy Quintana at email or call cell phone number 845-587-6497 to reserve a seat or if you have further questions.
Ismael (Izzy) Quintana, Veteran Outreach Coordinator

Monday, March 6th, 2023: Join us for the next edition of Sergeant's Time. These monthly virtual presentations are open to all eras of Veterans and caregivers.
Come to learn and ask questions!  The Bronx Vet Center will host its next Sergeant’s Time online presentation on March 6th, 2023 from noon - 1:00 p.m.  
To Register, please use this link:

This week's topic:  How To Find Out About Focused Events Going On In New York City and the Tri-State Area.  Learn about: newsletters email distress, websites, and tools to connect you with other veterans and events in your community.
For further information, contact Marco A. Bongioanni, MSEd.
Readjustment Counseling Therapist, U.S. Army Veteran, Bronx Vet Center
Office phone (718) 367-3500.....E-mail:

Thursday, March 9th, 2023: Virtual Women Veterans Symposium - Here for H.E.R. (Hope. Education. Resources.)  Free Online Event on Thursday, March 9, 2023, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET.
This symposium will feature speakers who will provide information on benefits, services, and resources available for the Women Veteran population and those family members, caregivers, survivors, as well as individuals and organizations who support and advocate for them. Also, the symposium will educate and empower leaders from women centric organizations, non-profits, and community organizations with benefit and service knowledge that they can utilize to assist our Nation’s Veterans. This symposium will also provide attendees with information on the Sergeant First Class (SFC) Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act benefits and claims filing as well as ways to seek additional VA support.  
For further information: Further information on Women's Symposium

Link to Join:
Phone: 1-404-397-1596, Access Code: 2763 919 1060

March 13th and March 22nd, 2023:  Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter #333 will continue their program of Vietnam Memories, Stories Left at the Wall at Nanuet High School starting on March 13th, 2023. One week later, beginning on the 22nd of March, the program will repeat at Felix Festa Middle School.

Sunday, March 19th, 2023:  St. Patrick's Day Parade in Pearl River.  The Parade starts at 1:30 p.m. and if you are marching in it, muster is at 12:30 p.m.  Contact Ray Furlong, President, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter #333 for further information.   You can email Ray at:

March 22nd, 2023:  Marine Corps League, Rockland Detachment, will hold their annual Iwo Jima Commemorative Luncheon on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023.  The luncheon will be held at Krucker's Restaurant and Grove, 81 Call Hollow Road, Pomona, New York 10970.
Please view link for further details on the Iwo Jima Commemoration Luncheon:
Iwo Jima Luncheon Information

Monday, March 27th, 2023:   Mark Woods, Jr., Director of Veteran Peer Services
Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, is on the air!  Mark hosts a radio show on WRCR 1700 AM. The show:  Thank You For Your Service, will air once a month on the 4th Monday at 9:30 a.m.  Veterans can call in and ask questions about Veterans issues.  The call-in number is:  845-429-1700.  Mark will discuss Veteran issues and events in and around Rockland County. Please tune in to the show -- 4th Monday of each month -- 9:30 a.m. on WRCR 1700 AM radio.  You can also hear the show live on WRCR's website:  For further information, get in touch with Mark Woods, Jr.
Director of Veteran Peer Services, Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, “Vet to Vet”
Email:  /  (Office) (845) 624-1366 ext 104  /  Cell (845) 521-9440

You can access previously recorded episodes/podcasts at the following link:  For further information, get in touch with Mark Woods, Jr., Director of Veteran Peer Services, Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program, “Vet to Vet”  Email: / (Office) (845) 624-1366 ext 104 / Cell (845) 521-9440.

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023:  National Vietnam War Veterans Day, March 29th
National Vietnam War Veterans Day is observed every year on March 29th and is a way to thank and honor our nation’s Vietnam veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.  For further information, please view this link:

Vietnam Memories, Stories Left at the Wall
Vietnam Memories, Stories Left At The Wall Program
Nanuet High School:  
March 13th through March 17th, 2023
Felix Festa Middle School: March 22nd -- March 30th, 2023

Photo from 2022 Presentation of Vietnam Memories, Stories Left At the Wall at Suffern High School.

Vietnam Memories Program: Members of Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter #333 will be at Nanuet High School at 9:00 a.m. from March 13th to March 17th, 2023 to present Vietnam Memories, Stories Left At The Wall Program.

The program will be presented at Felix Festa Middle School from March 22nd, 2023 through March 30th, 2023.  For further information, contact Howard Goldin via email:
Vietnam Veterans Chapter #333 Monthly Meeting

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter #333 -- monthly meeting will be held at Kearsing-Edwards American Legion Post #1600, 20 Station Road, Pomona, New York 10970. The Board will meet at their usual time of 6:30 p.m. with full membership meeting to start promptly at 7:30 p.m.

VVA #333 President Ray Furlong invites you to attend the monthly meeting via Zoom
Time: March 2, 2023 06:30 p.m.  Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 630 567 5618
Passcode: 980722
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,6305675618#,,,,*980722# US (New York)
+16469313860,,6305675618#,,,,*980722# US
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
Meeting ID: 630 567 5618
Passcode: 980722
Find your local number:

Also, check out VVA #333 website created and maintained by Debby Frank.  Here is a link to lots of great information such as:  V.A. Info, Officers and Past Presidents, Fallen Heroes, Our Members Then, Members in Action, Veteran of The Year, RockVets Newsletters, Watchfires, Pig Roast. Then, under the Column "MORE" on the upper far right side, Momentos at The Wall, Handcycles Program, 529 Educational Program, Merchandise, Jerry Donnellan -- Founder of Chapter 333, Scholarships, Applications, Gene Sullivan Service Award, VVA National Convention, 30th Anniversary of Chapter 333, Street dedication ceremony for one of Rockland's KIAs, James Margro, and so on.   Much thanks to Debby Frank for maintaining the website.  
The website address is:

Joseph P. Dwyer Vet-to-Vet Events and Activities

Vet-to-Vet:   Special Events

Dwyer Vet-to-Vet Events and Activities

Veteran’s Game Day Social Luncheon: On March 3rd (Friday) from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Community Center Town of Clarkstown - Auditorium located at 31 Zukor Road, New City, New York 10956. All Veterans and their spouses, Caregivers and Gold Star families are welcome to join us to play games including BINGO and TRIVIA for prizes. It’s time to come out, get together, socialize, eat lunch and have fun ! This event is provided free of charge by Vet to Vet. There is plenty of parking available and the auditorium is very large with plenty of room for folks to spread out and maintain social distance if they choose to do so. Doors open at 10:45 am.
RSVP: Required especially for Lunch! There will be a sign-in table where you will pick up a ticket needed for lunch. Call and reserve your seat early as we need a proper head count to order the catered meal. Please contact Izzy Quintana at email or call 845-587-6497 to reserve a seat or if you have further questions

MEDITATION - Weekly - (M, W & F) - 9-9:30 am. Class elicits deep relaxation and helps reduce stress and anxiety with experienced Instructor Brett Cotter (Stress is Gone Founder and Author of 3 Keys To Managing PTSD). Online virtual event you can experience via Zoom. Meeting ID 983 8404 0455; Passcode: join or Click here for link:

VETERANS WALKING CLUB - Weekly - (Wednesdays) - 9:30 am at PALISADES CENTER. Meet in front of BRIDGES, 2nd Floor, next door to Autobahn Indoor Speedway. We will walk between 45 minutes to an hour. Join a fast pace group, slow pace group or walk at your own pace for however long you want. The mall offers us a comfortable indoor venue regardless of the weather outdoors where we can gather together in camaraderie and get some fitness and exercise while we get walking !

GENTLE YOGA - Weekly - (Wednesdays & Fridays) - 7-8 pm & again on (Sundays) 10-11:15 am. Virtual session via Zoom. Yoga is extremely beneficial for your physical and mental health. Instructor Mira Stangl is a 500 hour Yoga-Alliance Certified Teacher With Extensive Training in PTSD and Restorative Yoga. If interested in attending email Then you'll be registered to get invitations to each session.

QIGONG - Weekly - (Thursdays) from 9-10 am. (Ancient Chinese Exercise). Gentle meditative exercises based on the cultivation and refinement of Universal Life Energy known as Qi. Practicing this exercise reduces pain, stress and anxiety, improves physical fitness and improves immune function and vitality. Instructor Norman Galinsky, MFA has over 36 years experience in the art.  If interested in attending or have questions, contact Izzy Quintana at email:

Iwo Jima Commemoration Luncheon - March 22nd, 2023

Marine Corps League, Rockland Detachment, Iwo Jima Commemoration Luncheon on March 22, 2022

Photo credit: R.C. Marine Corps League Facebook Page / Photo/Newswire

The Rockland County Detachment of the Marine Corps League will hold its annual Iwo Jima Commemoration luncheon on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 at Kruckers Catering and Picnic Grove, 81 Call Hollow Road, Pomona, New York (845) 354-9832

All Are Welcome, Bring A Friend
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - Cash Bar 1130 Hours - Luncheon 1230 Hours
Advance payment of $50.00 (includes door prize eligibility) must be received no later than
March 16, 2022 or pay $55.00 at the door. Please try to respond early so we can give an accurate count to the caterer.

Send your check or money order payable to:
Rockland Detachment Rockland County, New York MCL, Inc and mail to R.C. Marine Corps League, 20 Station Road, Pomona, New York 10970 with reservation information as noted below -- your name, additional guests, choice of meal, etc.

***World War Il and Korean Era Vets Are Invited To The Event As Guests Of The
Detachment At No Charge But Must Return The Reservation Form***
Rockland County Detachment Marine Corps League
20 Station Road, Pomona, New York 10970
Iwo Jima Commemoration Luncheon

20 Years Since the Start of the War in Iraq -- OIF

20th Anniversary of the War in Iraq:  On March 19, 2003, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq.

Pfc. Joe Dwyer carried a young Iraqi boy who was injured during a heavy battle between the 7th Cavalry Regiment and Iraqi forces near the village of Al Faysaliyah, Iraq, on March 25, 2003. Dwyer died of an apparent overdose at his home in North Carolina on June 29, 2008. (WARREN ZINN / FILE ).  Story relating to the photo of Pfc. Joseph Dwyer is by Joe Gould - October 1, 2012 from Outside the Wire  --  Army

You Tube video OIF:  The Fight for Baghdad (by Army University Press):  
Beginning on 1 April 2003, this film features Coalition Forces’ fight for Saddam Hussein’s capital.   View it here:

The film opens with the fight for Objective PEACH, covers the battles for objectives around the city, and concludes with Soldiers and Marines meeting up in downtown Baghdad. Third Infantry Division's successful seizure of downtown Baghdad in April 2003 essentially signaled the end of Saddam Hussein's Ba'athist regime.  At 50 minutes, this film is filled with current U.S. Army doctrine, virtual terrain, historical footage and photographs, and interviews with the Soldiers who served in first phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

Iraq War Veterans health issues

If you served in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) or Operation New Dawn (OND)—anytime between March 19, 2003, and December 15, 2011—you may be at risk of certain health conditions. Learn about these conditions and what to do to take care of your health.

What health risks should I know about related to my service in the Iraq War?
You may be at risk of h
ealth problems caused by toxic chemicals or other hazardous materials in the environment, such as:

  • Sand, dust, and particulates: Tiny matter found in the air
  • Burn pit smoke: Smoke from open-air pits often used to get rid of waste (like chemicals, paints, munitions, and other substances) at military sites in Iraq
  • Depleted uranium: Uranium used in military tank armor and some bullets
  • Sulfur fire (Al Mishraq, Iraq): A fire at a sulfur plant that burned for almost a month in June 2003 and released large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the air
  • Chemical warfare agents (OIF): Exposure to mustard or nerve agents from demolishing or handling explosive ordnance in Iraq
  • Chromium (Qarmat Ali, Basrah, Iraq): Hexavalent chromium (a chemical known to cause cancer) found in contaminated sodium dichromate dust at the Qarmat Ali Water Treatment Facility in 2003

Injuries caused by:
  • Extreme heat: Health problems (like heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and sunburn) that can be caused by serving in hot desert climates
  • Toxic embedded fragments: Shrapnel and other metals (some containing chemicals) that stay in your body after an injury and can cause injury at the site of the fragment or in other parts of your body
  • Explosions: Explosions that can cause concussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI), an injury to the head that affects the way your brain works
  • Noise: Harmful sounds from guns, explosives, rockets, heavy weapons, jets and aircraft, and machinery that can cause or contribute to hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Illnesses caused by:
  • Infectious diseases: There are 9 infectious diseases related to Southwest Asia and Afghanistan military service. These are malaria, brucellosis, campylobacter jejuni, coxiella burnetii (Q Fever), mycobacterium tuberculosis, nontyphoid salmonella, shigella, visceral leishmaniasis, and West Nile Virus.
  • Rabies: A disease that you get from a bite or contact with saliva from an infected animal
  • Illnesses or injuries caused by occupational (job-related) hazards: Chemicals, paints, radiation, and other hazards you may have come in contact with through your military job
  • Side effects of Mefloquine (brand name: Lariam®): A drug given to military personnel to help protect against malaria (an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes)

For further information, please visit  You can also speak with one of the veterans' counselors at the Rockland County Veterans Service Agency, 20 Squadron Blvd., Suiite 480, New City, New York 10956.  Call to make an appointment:  845-638-5244.

Hudson Valley Honor Flights - Veterans and Guardians

Hudson Valley Honor Flight Seeks Veterans and Guardians for Spring 2023 Flights from Stewart and Westchester Airports
HV HONOR FLIGHT Honoring Veterans, News, Press Release
Honor Flights for April and May 2023

WALDEN, N.Y. (Feb. 15, 2022) — Hudson Valley Honor Flight (HVHF) is seeking area veterans and guardians to take part in two flights this spring. Flights are scheduled for Saturday, April 15, 2023 out of New York Stewart International Airport and Saturday, May 20, 2023 out of Westchester County Airport.

Priority is given to World War II and Korean War veterans; however, all veterans who have not yet participated in an Honor Flight are encouraged to apply. Applications can be found at The Honor Flight experience is one that veterans are sure to never forget. No matter your role during your service, if you’re a veteran, you’re eligible. Honored veterans fly free!

In addition to veterans, HVHF is seeking guardians to accompany participating veterans. It is not required that guardians have any history of military service. It is recommended that each guardian be at least one generation younger than the veteran he or she accompanies. To help fund each flight, guardians pay a fee of $500. Please visit:

“We have two planes to fill with deserving veterans! We are anxiously seeking local veterans to take part in the Honor Flight experience with us this spring,” said Jennifer DeFrancesco, HVHF Executive Director. “If you are a veteran from the Hudson Valley area, or know one that would like to participate, we want to hear from you.”

Guardian with veteran on flight morning
HVHF provides a once-in-a-lifetime flight to Washington, D.C., where veterans are transported around the district by bus to visit the various war memorials, attend a dinner in their honor and then return home. Each veteran is escorted by a personal guardian and the HVHF flight team for the day-long trip.
Therapeutic Horsemanship Program - Free For Veterans

Victory Hill Therapeutic Horsemanship --
New Session from March 6th, 2023 to April 21, 2023

This program is provided at no cost to participants and is specifically designed for veterans, active duty military, law enforcement personnel, first responders and their families. We offer hope and healing in a supportive and inclusive environment. Our staff personalizes each participants goals according to their individual needs and offers the opportunity to improve their physical, mental and emotional health. The unique challenges created by years of service, military training, combat and moral injury are all considered very carefully. Working with our horses offers the opportunity to reduce stress, anxiety depression, anger, isolation and the effects of PTSD. Equine activities offer the participant strategies for healing broken relationships and a more successfully integrating into society after the wounds of war, or years of being on the job, may have left them feeling isolated.

For further information, contact:
Victory Hill Therapeutic Horsemanship ~ 1138 Mountain Rd., Port Jervis, New York 12771
(845) 843-0020 ~

Book Proceeds Benefit Disabled Veterans
Please check out Vietnam veteran Roy Tschudy's book, "Endless." Roy is a past President of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #333, and writes about a variety of experiences that our Vietnam vets encountered.  As with all good books, be prepared to experience a lot of emotions with this: you will be intrigued, angry, surprised, maybe shed a tear or two, and laugh out loud at some of the shenanigans in this enjoyable tale of fact, fiction and myth. All proceeds of "Endless" go to help veterans. The book is available in paperback or Kindle edition from Amazon:
"Endless" is the second book authored by Roy Tschudy. His first book also had great reviews.
"Up Close and Personal" is available through Amazon as well.  
Employment Opportunities

The Human Exploitation Rescue Operation (HERO) Child-Rescue Corps Program is designed to combat and prevent child exploitation and is open to wounded, ill, and injured veterans and transitioning service members. As a reminder, the 2023 HERO Intern vacancy announcement is now open on USA Jobs. Additional information regarding the position duties and requirements can be found in the announcement.
Clarification from the agency
Wounded, ill, or injured veterans who have a VA disability rating; OR Wounded, ill, or injured active duty service members being medically discharged from the military who are enrolled in Operator Warfighter (OWF) or other Warrior Transition Programs are eligible to apply.

For further information, view this link:
This announcement is not publicly searchable on the USA Jobs site and can only be accessed with the above link.

Sales Representative -- Remote
We are recruiting a Sales Representative on behalf of our client, a mining company and global producer of lime and limestone, whose products are essential to the energy, environmental, construction, and manufacturing industries.  Candidate must reside within commutable distance of an international airport in the Central or Eastern time zones.  
For further information, view this link:

Veterans Employment and Training Services (VETS) Resources for Veterans
The Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) is committed to helping America's veterans and separating service members by preparing them for meaningful careers, providing employment resources and expertise, and protecting their employment rights.

FedEx Independent Service Provider
FedEx is looking to hire full time and part time drivers to deliver and pickup packages from Blauvelt, NY. Full time schedule is Monday – Friday and part time schedule has weekend positions available. Must be over 21 years old, have a clean drivers license, and be able to pass physical and drug tests. Background checks are also required. Salary for full time starts at $700 per week. Please contact 201-724-7781 to see if you qualify.

Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction of the Veterans Administration:
The link below lists current positions have been announced for the Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction (OALC). This is not a complete listing of all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) vacancies and may not include all positions announced for OALC. You may access VA recruitment information on the VA Jobs site at this link:
If you wish copies of announcements listed below, please contact the individual identified in the specific announcement.  Here is the link to the OALC Job Listings:

Montefiore-Nyack Hospital, Nyack, New York 10960
See link for full listing and information about career opportunities at Nyack Hospital, Nyack, New York.

Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern, New York.  Good Samaritan Hospital is affiliated with Westchester Medical Center.  See this link for available employment -

Rockland County Employment Information:
Here is a link to current job openings available in Rockland County

Rockland County Veterans' Credits:

New York City Civil Service Jobs, Tests, and Results as listed in The Chief:

MTA Metro-North Railroad has ongoing employment opportunities:
To apply for current jobs with the MTA, please go to the MTA Employment Portal at:

NYC Green Book Online: The Green Book is the official directory of the City of New York.  An indispensable reference guide for anyone living or working in New York City. Includes detailed listings of agencies. Website:
Rockland County Marine Corps League

Rockland County Marine Corps League regularly receives donations of handicap assistance equipment for disabled veterans from people who want to help. The donated equipment is available for free to military veterans and their families. The items include the following:

  • Motorized Wheelchairs
  • Manual Wheelchairs
  • Oxygen Generator
  • Walkers
  • Bath Chairs
  • Transfer Benches
  • Braces
  • Crutches
  • Canes

If you have need of any of this equipment, contact the folks at the Rockland County Marine Corps League - 845-323-8774 or via e-mail:
RockVets Monthly Newsletter

RockVets is an Outreach program of New York Vets, Inc.,  a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization established in 1992, to advocate for those who have worn the uniform of the U.S. Military, no matter where or when they served.

The volunteers at New York Vets / RockVets publish this monthly e-newsletter.  We welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback. E-mail:

We are not affiliated with any government agency such as the Veterans Administration, Rockland County Government, nor the Veterans Service Agency of Rockland.

Each month, our newsletter reaches more than 1800 local veterans or those who care about veterans' interests.  Please use this forum to let veterans know of any information, resources, links or events they might enjoy. Send information to or send us a note through our website:  Thank you for passing this newsletter along to other veterans.  

Our Mailing Address
New York Vets, Inc. / RockVets
P.O. Box 387
Tomkins Cove, New York 10986                                                           

Pat McGlade
Co-Founder / Director
RockVets Newsletters: New York Vets / RockVets Newsletters


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