July 2022 Volume XIV Issue 7
Thunderstorms Editorial by Jerry Donnellan -- July 2015
It's 4:21 a.m. on July 1st and an unusually heavy thunderstorm spooked my dog. So Ducks decided to spook me and now we're all up because, at 150 pounds, you don't ignore the dog!
As I am waiting for the storm to pass I begin to think how funny it is that this driving rain brings me back to the Central Highlands of Vietnam long ago. Once the monsoons came in, everything came pretty much to a stop. In the triple canopy jungle, that pouring rain made everything so noisy that it was a good idea not to move because you couldn't hear. Believe it or not, you couldn't smell, and sense of smell
is very important because it's one of the 3 senses that really work for you in combat, and they're usually heightened.
Your ability to see, even on a good day in that heavy jungle is very limited. Even something a few yards away could be invisible. So if your sense isn't working, moving is not a good idea because God knows what you could run into.
Strange now almost half a century has gone by since we sat cold and wet with no way to get warm. You only had the clothes on your back. Your poncho was pretty much useless because after a few days in the jungle it had more holes than a colander. So you sat, deaf and blind, hoping the enemy was also stalled in their position and just as miserable as you were. Funny how we had more in common with the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) than we did with our commanding officers who were sitting safe and warm in a barracks with hot chow somewhere in the rear - probably asleep at this time of day.
We had far more
in common with the bad guys than with our leaders back in Washington - even though back then a greater number of them were veterans. In those days it was almost a pre-requisite to elected office to have worn the uniform.
It makes me wonder how much less concern there is in Washington today with so few veterans, and our Congress. But still they feel they know best for our troops and what they're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know the War is over but tell that to the young Americans that are still there.
One of the things that would help to keep you going back then, was knowing that troops in the past had gone through just as much, if not more, of this kind of misery. You could compare yourself to those who froze in Bastogne in the winter of '44 under General Anthony Mcauliffe, or farther back at Valley Forge in that awful cold. There's some solace on your part that you're part of a long line of Americans who stood up when needed and won the War and
Freedom - but we didn't. Hell, we didn't even fight in a war.
The last war this country fought ended before I was born. Yet we keep sending troops to fight for some believable myth about saving the world. So here we are at the Fourth of July celebrating independence, and our friends in D.C. have a new phrase called "boots on the ground" - yet they have no concept of what those words mean. And when and if this is all done, will any Mother be able to say, "This that we have won, was worth my son?"
Editorial written by Jerry Donnellan....July 2015
Rockland County Veteran Peer Support Program Activities
THE ROCKLAND COUNTY JOSEPH P. DWYER -- VETERAN PEER SUPPORT PROGRAM For further information, contact Ismael (Izzy) Quintana Veteran Outreach Coordinator, PFC Joseph P. Dwyer
|Veteran Peer Support Program. Rockland County (Vet to Vet) Email: iquintana@vettovetrc.org| Cell: (845) 587-6497
Dwyer VettoVet: Summer Concert Socials Join us on Thursday evenings from July 7th thru August 25th from 7:30 to 9:00 pm for our SUMMER CONCERT SOCIALS at Bowline Park. We suggest you arrive between 6-6:30 pm so we can sit together.
Bring a chair or blanket to place on the park lawn in front of the stage. Don’t forget your dancing shoes if you want to get your groove on with Vet to Vet. There is a concession stand on premise but you can bring your own food & drinks. Located at 1 Bowline Plant Road, Haverstraw NY 10927. Performing on July 7th is local band “Kick Start Charlie”, a Classic 8 piece Rock band with a blast of brass. The following bands will be performing subsequently: Ladies and Gentleman Band, The Jon Bates Band, Jersey Sound, HillBilly Parade Band, The Ronald Regans Big 80's Show, History of Rock & Roll Band and Epic Soul Band
For further information, contact Ismael (Izzy) Quintana Veteran Outreach Coordinator, PFC Joseph P. Dwyer
|Veteran Peer Support Program Rockland County (Vet to Vet) |Email: iquintana@vettovetrc.org| Cell: (845) 587-6497
MEDITATION - Weekly - (M, W & F) - 9-9:30 am. Class elicits deep relaxation and helps reduce stress and anxiety with experienced Instructor Brett Cotter (Stress is Gone Founder and Author of 3 Keys To Managing PTSD). Online virtual event you can experience via Zoom. Meeting ID 983 8404 0455; Passcode: join or Click here for link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/98384040455?pwd=djE3VGhUTDJzRU1HMEJ6bnJxa3E2QT09
VETERANS WALKING CLUB - Weekly - (Wednesdays) - 9:30 am at PALISADES CENTER. Meet in front of BRIDGES, 2nd Floor, next door to Autobahn Indoor Speedway. We will walk between 45
minutes to an hour. Join a fast pace group, slow pace group or walk at your own pace for however long you want. The mall offers us a comfortable indoor venue regardless of the weather outdoors where we can gather together in camaraderie and get some fitness and exercise while we get walking !
GENTLE YOGA - Weekly - (Wednesdays) - 7-8 pm & again on (Sundays) 10-11:15 am. Virtual session via Zoom. Yoga is extremely beneficial for your physical and mental health. Instructor Mira Stangl is a 500 hour Yoga-Alliance Certified Teacher With Extensive Training in PTSD and Restorative Yoga. If interested in attending email iquintana@vettovetrc.org. Then you'll be registered to get invitations to each session.
QIGONG - Weekly - (Thursdays) from 9-10 am. (Ancient Chinese Exercise). Gentle meditative exercises based on the cultivation and refinement of Universal Life Energy known as Qi. Practicing this exercise reduces pain, stress and anxiety, improves physical fitness and improves immune function and vitality. Instructor Norman Galinsky, MFA has over 36 years experience in the art. If interested in attending or have questions, contact Izzy Quintana at email iquintana@vettovetrc.org Ismael (Izzy) Quintana Veteran Outreach Coordinator Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program Rockland County (Vet to Vet) Cell: (845) 587-6497
Talking With Kids About PTSD
Talking with Kids about PTSD If someone in your family has PTSD, their symptoms may take a toll on everyone. Getting along may be harder than usual. You and other family members may feel hurt or helpless. Children may believe it's their fault.
All parents have unique strengths and abilities. A Veteran's military training and
experience have given skills that work well in parenting. For example, ability to be organized, meet deadlines, and stick to schedules helps support children with their homework. Being a good parent can also involve paying attention to your children’s strengths and talents. What do your children do well? What do they especially enjoy?
Parenting with PTSD can be challenging and the decision to tell children about your PTSD a personal one.
The VA and DoD developed a parenting website that may help you find positive ways to parent with PTSD and other behavioral challenges.
Parenting website link: https://www.veterantraining.va.gov/parenting/index.asp
Also check out A Veteran's
Guide to Talking with Kids about PTSD by Michelle Sherman, Ph.D., Kristy Straits-Troster, Ph.D., Jennifer Larsen, Ph.D., and Jenna Gress-Smith, Ph.D.
Link to Veteran's Guide to Talking with Kids about PTSD: https://www.mirecc.va.gov/VISN16/docs/Talking_with_Kids_about_PTSD.pdf
This article is from the Summer 2022 edition of (Coaching Into Care) CIC from the National Center for PTSD About Coaching Into Care Coaching Into Care is a free service for families and friends of Veterans. Our responders will briefly assess your concerns and provide appropriate resources and referrals. Through 10
to 30 minute calls, licensed psychologists and social workers offer guidance and help for starting conversations with the Veteran in your life about their mental health or substance use and motivating them to seek treatment if it’s needed. Call us: 888-823-7458 https://www.mirecc.va.gov/coaching/
Camp Shanks Museum is Open for the Summer
The Camp Shanks Museum is open for the summer on weekends from Noon to 4:00 p.m.
80 Years Ago Camp Shanks Came To Be The Camp Shanks Story...
In the autumn of 1942, Western Highway in Orangeburg looked like it had for many years past. Dotted with aging farmhouses, the old road made its way through corn and tomato fields. At night, people whose families had lived there for generations were lulled to sleep by the incessant chirping of crickets. Only the radio told of
world-wide war elsewhere. And then Camp Shanks was created.
Camp Shanks served as a point of embarkation for troops departing overseas during World War II. Dubbed “Last Stop USA”, the camp housed about 50,000 troops spread over 2,040 acres and was the largest World War II Army embarkation camp, processing 1.3 million service personnel including 75% of those participating in the D-Day invasion. In 1945 Camp Shanks housed German and Italian prisoners of war.
After the war, Camp Shanks was converted into housing for veterans with families attending colleges and universities in the New York City area under the GI Bill; the settlement, then known as Shanks Village, closed in 1954. A small museum opened near the site in June 1994 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion.
The Camp Shanks Museum is
open on Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. from June to August.
They need volunteers to staff the museum on weekends from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you can help, please call John Gray at 845-304-6809.
To view the Camp Shanks Museum webpage for the Town of Orangetown: https://www.orangetown.com/document/camp-shanks-museum/
Now Easier to Take Charge of Benefits and Health Care
VA Is Making It Easier to Take Charge of Your Benefits and Health Care -- July 5th, 2022 VA Blog - News Sections: Technology No slowing down: Get VA’s mobile app and keep moving
VA is making it easier to take charge of your benefits and health care with its new Health and Benefits mobile application. Download VA Health and Benefits with the click of a button and get access to the resources you need – wherever you are and whenever you want them.
The VA Health and Benefits mobile app is a smarter, more convenient way to manage your VA health and benefits information. You can enable face or finger ID to skip the login, view and cancel health care appointments, view claims and appeals status, upload documentation, message your doctor, locate facilities, and access the Veterans Crisis Line –
right from your phone. The app also makes it easy to prove your status as a Veteran so you can take advantage of available retailer discounts.
“I went into my local hardware store and opened my VA Health and Benefits mobile app. I was logged in so a quick glance at my phone showed them I was a Veteran, and I was able to get the Veteran discount without any paperwork. It was easy and convenient,” said a Veteran and VA app user review.
VA has heard from Veterans since the mobile app launched, and the reviews are positive! Nearly 700,000 users in the Veteran community have already downloaded the app, which has a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars on Apple App Store and 4.6 out of 5 on Google Play Store. As usage grows, so will the app. New features expected in the coming year will allow you to:
Refill prescriptions; Request appointments; Manage debt. Learn more about the service
already discovered by many Veterans. VA Health and Benefits is available via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Download today!
Read story online: https://blogs.va.gov/VAntage/105234/no-slowing-down-get-vas-mobile-app-and-keep-moving/
VVA Chapter 333 General Membership Meeting
VVA 333 General Membership Meeting, July 7th, 2022
The next VVA Chapter #333 General Membership Meeting is Thursday, July 7th, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at Kearsing-Edwards American Legion Post 1600, 20 Station Road, Pomona, New York 10970. You can attend in person or via Zoom using the link below.
Topic: Ray Furlong's VVA #333 Zoom Meeting
Time: Thursday, July 7th, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Ray Furlong's Zoom Meeting
Time: July 7, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada
Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 630 567 5618
Passcode: 980722
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,89202249387#,,,,*513221# US (New York)
+13126266799,,89202249387#,,,,*513221# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 630 567 5618
Passcode: 980722
Ray Furlong is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kAooTO4Vk
If you have any problems connecting, call Tom Carroll on 845-269-8909.
Support for Caregivers Six-Week Workshop
Support from Other Caregivers who Feel Just Like You For caregivers, the job doesn’t end at 5pm. You don’t get time off on weekends. Your around-the-clock dedication to your care partner likely means you need support to face the challenges each new day may bring. The Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) six-week online workshop, developed by Stanford University, can help you reset, recharge and discover new information so you can be the best caregiver you can be. When you join a BBC workshop, you’ll connect with a small group of
caregivers just like you and support each other in reaching your goals.
“The workshop helped me see different ways to approach my caregiving responsibilities. I tried to learn to re-channel some feelings or rethink my feelings in a more positive way. And I didn’t feel guilty for taking time for me. There were helpful tools & ideas, and also, reading the feedback was helpful & positive for me. With each week it gave me another chance at becoming a better caregiver. Thank you for this workshop!” - BBC Graduate
Click here to join a BBC workshop https://signup.buildingbettercaregivers.org/va/?utm_source=emailCSP&utm_campaign=CSP2022 and you’ll learn:
- New ways to approach caregiving
- How to reduce stress and find guilt-free time for yourself
- Tools to help you manage your time and improve your relationship with your care partner
To participate in BBC, caregivers must be enrolled in one of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Caregiver Support Program offerings:
Program of General Caregiver Support Services Or in the application process or enrolled in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers If you are a caregiver, reach out to your Caregiver Support Team to learn more about signing up or visit BBC’s website today!
VA Aid & Attendance Benefits and Housebound Allowance
VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound AllowanceVA Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits provide monthly payments added to the amount of a monthly VA pension for qualified Veterans and survivors. If you need help with daily activities, or you’re housebound, find out if you qualify.
Here is a short 2 minute video with a brief explanation of Aid and Attendance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_tvRSnt_18
For help with filing claims for Survivor's Pension Benefits or Aid and Attendance, you can contact the veterans' counselors at the Rockland County Veterans Service Agency, 20 Squadron Blvd., Suite 480, New York, New York 10956. Phone: 845-638-5244. If you don't live
in Rockland County, there are Veterans Service Agencies in most of the counties in New York State. You can also set up a virtual appointment with a benefits counselor in New York State. Find your local Veterans Service Agency and more information here: https://veterans.ny.gov
Every state will have help for veterans and you can search online for your state. Here is a link for New Jersey Veterans: https://www.nj.gov/military/veterans/services/vso/
View information on VA Aid and Attendance Benefits here: https://www.va.gov/pension/aid-attendance-housebound/
Am I eligible for VA Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits as a Veteran or survivor? VA Aid and Attendance eligibility:You may be eligible for this benefit if you get a VA pension and you meet at least one of these requirements. At least one of these must be true:- You need another person to help you perform daily activities, like bathing, feeding, and dressing, or
- You have to stay in bed—or spend a large portion of the day in bed—because of illness, or
- You are a patient in a nursing home due to the loss of mental or physical abilities related to a disability, or
- Your eyesight is limited (even with glasses or contact lenses you have only 5/200 or less in both eyes; or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less)
Housebound benefits eligibility:You may be eligible for this benefit if you get a VA pension and you spend most of your time in your home because of a permanent disability (a disability that doesn’t go away).Note: You can’t get Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound benefits at the same time.How do I get this benefit? Please note information above about going to our local Rockland County Veterans Service Agency for help in filling out these forms. Or, you can apply for VA Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits in one of these ways:- Send a completed VA form to your pension management center (PMC). The tai-state and many other areas will use the Milwaukee, WI office as your pension management center. Their address is: Department of Veterans Affairs, Pension Intake Center PO Box 5365, Janesville, WI 53547-5365
- Fill out VA Form 21-2680 (Examination for Housebound Status or Permanent Need for Regular Aid and Attendance) and mail it to the PMC for your state. You can have your doctor fill out the examination information section.
Get VA Form 21-2680 to download: https://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-2680-ARE.pdfYou can also include with your VA form (or bring to your local Veterans Service Agency):
- Other evidence, like a doctor’s report, that shows you need Aid and Attendance or Housebound care
- Details about what you normally do during the day and how you get to
- Details that help show what kind of illness, injury, or mental or physical disability affects your ability to do things, like take a bath, on your own
If you’re in a nursing home, you’ll also need to fill out a Request for Nursing Home Information in Connection with Claim for Aid and Attendance (VA Form 21-0779).Get VA Form 21-0779 to download: https://www.va.gov/find-forms/about-form-21-0779/
Book Proceeds Benefit Disabled Veterans
Please check out Vietnam veteran Roy Tschudy's book, "Endless." Roy is a past President of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #333, and writes about a variety of experiences that our Vietnam vets encountered. As with all good books, be prepared to experience a lot of emotions with this: you will be intrigued, angry, surprised, maybe shed a tear or two, and laugh out loud at some of the shenanigans in this enjoyable tale of fact, fiction and myth. All proceeds of "Endless" go to help veterans. The book is available in paperback or Kindle edition from Amazon:
PDI -- 2 Nice-Pak Park, Orangeburg, New York 10962For updated career opportunities at PDI, visit this website:https://recruiting.ultipro.com/NIC1003/JobBoard/d93555cb-6498-e637-8827-342b0f2a5a29/?q=&o=postedDateDescPDI is an infection prevention company dedicated to Be The Difference® Our three divisions, PDI Healthcare, Sani Professional® and PDI Contract Manufacturing, are always striving to do more to reduce the spread of infection and preserve the well-being of those touched by our products. We are currently hiring Full-time Production Employees! These are Temp-to-Hire positions for our Union Associates. We have tons of great job opportunities at the above link but here are some others: + Packers + Machine Operators + Material Handlers + Winder Operators + Forklift Operators Shifts and pay rates: + 1st shift 7:00am - 3:05pm - 2nd shift 3:00pm-11:05pm - 3rd shift 11:00pm-7:05am. + Competitive wages. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S.* All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO quidelines. Vaccinated only will be considered. Company: Johnson Controls
Please find below a series of Web Site addresses concerning job openings from Johnson Controls. Johnson Controls is a large company doing business with the U.S. Government, Military, Industrial, and Commercial companies throughout the U.S.
Please see list of job openings in the New York State area. Johnson Controls would like to hire veterans where possible. If any of your members are interested, I can put the veteran in contact with my friend who can help with applying for the below positions. For further information, contact: John H.Leighton Cell phone: 845-521-5361 Email: jhleighton@att.net
Email John Leighton with Name, Town in NY, Email address
and phone number.
Here are some available positions:
Note: Each position has its own unique location. Con Edison Careers:View this link for available job opportunities: http://careers.coned.com/jobs/search Be advised Con Ed is always looking for Veterans for General Utility Worker and Customer Service Representatives. Please check out the link above for updated positions and detailed job descriptions. For further information, contact James E. Christman, MBA, MEM, SHRM-CP |Project Specialist Veterans and Disabilities Recruiter. | Con Edison | 4 Irving Place, NY, NY 10003 christmanja@coned.com | Office: 212-460-3110
Veterans Employment and Training Services (VETS) Resources for VeteransThe Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) is committed to helping America's veterans and separating service members by preparing them for meaningful careers, providing employment resources and expertise, and protecting their employment rights. Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) Resources and Other Information
Grants and Opportunities VETS provides critical resources, expertise, and training to assist veterans in locating and obtaining meaningful careers.
Grant Opportunities Jobs For Veterans State Grants program provides federal funding to hire dedicated staff and
assist employers fill their workforce needs with job-seeking veterans.
VA Employment Resources. VA Employment Resources allows veterans, service members, and their families to research,
find, access, and manage their benefits and personal information.
FedEx Independent Service Provider FedEx is looking to hire full time and part time drivers to deliver and pickup packages from Blauvelt, NY. Full time schedule is Monday – Friday and part time schedule has weekend positions available. Must be over 21 years old, have a clean drivers license, and be able to pass physical and drug tests. Background checks are also required.
Salary for full time starts at $700 per week. Please contact 201-724-7781 to see if you qualify.
Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction of the Veterans Administration: The link below lists current positions have been announced for the Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction (OALC). This is not a complete listing of all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) vacancies and may not include all positions announced for OALC. You may access VA recruitment information on the VA Jobs site at this link: https://www.va.gov/jobs/ If you wish copies of announcements listed below, please contact the individual identified in the specific announcement. Here is the link to the OALC Job Listings: https://www.va.gov/oalc/career.asp
Rockland County Marine Corps League
Rockland County Marine Corps League regularly receives donations of handicap assistance equipment for disabled veterans from people who want to help. The
donated equipment is available for free to military veterans and their families. The items include the following:
- Motorized Wheelchairs
- Manual Wheelchairs
- Oxygen Generator
- Walkers
- Bath Chairs
- Transfer Benches
- Braces
- Crutches
- Canes
If you have need of any of this equipment, contact the folks at the Rockland
County Marine Corps League - 845-323-8774 or via e-mail: drobin137@icloud.com.
RockVets Monthly Newsletter
RockVets is an Outreach program of New York Vets, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization established in 1992, to advocate for those who have worn the uniform of the U.S. Military, no matter where or when they served. The volunteers at New York Vets / RockVets publish this monthly e-newsletter. We welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback. E-mail: NewYorkVets@gmail.com.We are not affiliated with any government agency such as the Veterans Administration, Rockland County Government, nor the Veterans Service Agency of Rockland.Each month, our newsletter reaches more than 1600 local veterans or those who care about veterans' interests. Please use this forum to let veterans know of any
information, resources, links or events they might enjoy. Send information to NewYorkVets@gmail.com or send us a note through our website: https://newyorkvets.org. Thank you for passing this newsletter along to other veterans. Our Mailing AddressNew York Vets, Inc. / RockVetsP.O. Box 387Tomkins Cove, New York 10986 Pat McGladeCo-Founder / Director Website: newyorkvets.org RockVets Newsletters: RockVets NewslettersEmail: NewYorkVets@gmail.com